Benefits and Recommendations for an Intensive

I will soon be giving an intensive weekend and want to use this occastion to tell you a bit more about this kind of journey so you can make an informed decision if it’s something you can benefit from.

What is an Intensive?

An intensive is a special process as the sessions are not at regular intervals of a week (as usual) but you get two sessions per day for a number of consecutive days (3-5 days): one in the morning, one in the afternoon.

This allows for a faster and deeper level of experience and understanding.

As with most things in life doing an Intensive is a decision. And conscious decision-making is powerful. If you decide to dedicate a weekend to a subject in your life that you care about but that you usually don’t address, it means you are willing to look at and deal with it in a positive, constructive way because you want to. And you want to learn how to relate differently to it.

Making conscious choices is powerful. It strengthens your confidence and willpower.

Who is an intensive for?

There are several types of people for whom an intensive can be extremely beneficial.

You are one of them if one of the following statements is true for you:


  • You like intensity. You know who you are. 😉
  • Your lifestyle doesn’t allow for weekly sessions and a more steady process but who still want to make substantial progress on a certain subject and in a specific situation in their life.
  • You don’t want to wait any longer and want results quickly.

Benefits and recommendations

  • Deepened experience because of the shorter breaks between sessions, you do not return fully to your default setting and the follow-up sessions start at a different level of attention and awareness. This kind of process allows you to reach deep levels of experience, not just excitement or a fast rush of energy. Also deep silence and quietness.
  • No distractions.
    If you choose to go for an intensive weekend, you choose to take those days out of your every-day. It’s best not to plan too many other appointments and commitments. It’s a time for deep learning, introspection and taking care of yourself.
  • Training to focus on the positive.
    Based on the principle ‘What you put your attention to grows’ you will have a full weekend that is dedicated to focus your attention on a quality or state of being that you want more of in your life. I don’t believe something good can come out of trying not to feel the negative.
    An intense experience creates strong memories. Your body will remember the deep level you reach over this weekend.
  • The power of short.
    Do you have a busy life? Are you ambitious and would like to improve on many levels at the same time? The wish to improve can add to your stress by adding more background noise to your daily life. Making the time for an intensive allows you to weekend that is only dedicated to you and your goal.
  • It strengthens your willpower.
    You choose to dedicate a full weekend to yourself and your goal or quality. By investing time and energy – in the form of money and attention – you are creating the best environment for personal transformation. It means you care enough about yourself.
    I believe in the power of conscious choosing.
    You don’t need to know how to get there (showing you possible ways is my job in this journey. By acknowledging that you want something and making space for it in your life counts for the first two steps in your journey.
  • Full commitment
    Choosing to dedicate 2 ½ days to yourself means you’re fully enrolled in the process. And you choose to do something for yourself. It’s a great gift to yourself.

I hope this was helpful for you if you consider participating in such a journey.
Dates for upcoming Intensives are listed on the events page.