A – H

Connecting A to B

Connecting A to B

What is A and what is B? Body & Mind Doing & Being Activity & Passivity Thinking & Feeling Absorbing & Integrating Holding on & Letting go Eating & Digesting Input & Output Top & Bottom It's not so difficult o reach this peachy...

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

The professional world is getting faster and increasingly technological. Professionals are, however, still human beings. And human beings need movement, sufficient nourishment, social connections. They have a need to be productive and creative. Technology can be...

The two phases in a process

The two phases in a process

There are two essential moments in a process that I meet with clients that play a role in the use of a person’s resources and that reflects the current point of view. They are crucial because each of them is at the beginning of a new phase of transformation. It is a...

Why aim for normal?

Why aim for normal?

Why aim for normal if normal is a static fictional line that doesn't exist in real life?   PS: Who says what normal is anyway? Is what you consider normal anything more than norms and metrics imposed on you by society and culture? How could you measure a good...

Getting Unstuck: #1 Change Perspective

Getting Unstuck: #1 Change Perspective

Life is movement. It has its ups and downs. And it moves sideways too. Movement is part of the natural process. There are moments for thinking, and moments for action. There’s time for activity and time for resting. The art is to go with the flow of life. In your own...

A relaxed way of finding solutions

A relaxed way of finding solutions

... by connecting head to feet What happens from a holistic body perspective when you get stuck in the process of finding a solution to a problem? What does it look like when you usually try to find a solution? Like this?   This will not only give you wrinkles,...

You are the only one …

who knows what's good for you If you don’t know what you want and feel disconnected from yourself and your body you have two options: check in with yourself (if you know how to do it). Or: find someone who enables you to gain back that quality, not someone who tells...

Decision-making is physical

Decision-making is physical

Tapping into your body wisdom makes choosing simple. I have learned to approach all things in life as a body. Since I am my body all the time, it makes sense to use my innate faculties. They were designed to serve me well, not to make life hard. And the ability of...

Three reasons why being yourself can boost your business

Three reasons why being yourself can boost your business

Three reasons why being yourself can boost your business Before listing the three reasons why being yourself can boost your business, I have to briefly explain what I mean by “being yourself.” It is seemingly self-explanatory, but what I have found in myself and in...

Visionboard Essentials

#1: Du brauchst Ziele Um dein Visionboard kleben zu können, musst du dir erstmal klar werden, was du willst. Oft haben wir Gedanken im Kopf und glauben zu wissen, was wir wollen. Das kann sich dann zum einen mit vielen erlerten ‘Ich sollte…’ und ‘Ich muss aber...

Letting the Body work

Letting the Body work

body·work \ˈbä-dē-ˌwərk\   00 Letting the Body Work from Bodies at Work on Vimeo.


Also: paying attention Based on the principle of energy follows attention, The body-based approach to awareness practiced and taught here at Bodiew at Work uses your physical being as an anchor in reality. Following the separation of body and mind according to...


Re|action Compare: coping mechanism, default setting The repetition of a past behavior. You re-act the same way you did before, which indicates you are not using all your abilities in a fresh and spontaneous way. A reaction is a complex state that can be broken down...


Training training /ˈtreɪnɪŋ/ Also: practice Once you got started on the journey to being fully yourself, body and mind, there are several ways how you can practice and implement in daily life what you have learned. Exercises: they aim at strengthening certain...

Stress and your imagined narrative

Stress and your imagined narrative

Stress is part of life. Historically, it is a natural response of your body to deal with dangerous situation to ensure survival. If you translate this into our times and life in the city, we call those situations rather difficult or important. They matter to us. Be it...

I – O

Easy is right #2: Reality check

Easy is right #2: Reality check

June is my month of ease. Just because. And it can be yours too. In last week's post, I wrote about the fact that you need to know how something feels to be able to create and grow it. You need a felt definition to make it real in your life. A negative definition will...

June’s Theme: Easy is right

June’s Theme: Easy is right

My motto for this month is “Easy is right”. I will use the coming four weeks to invite more ease into my life. I can’t say that it doesn’t feel easy right now. I’ve been spending the last week in beautiful Spain where I attended a conference called Body Wisdom. (If...

Getting unstuck #2: stop explaining

Do you know this state of mind when something happens that you dislike. And then your mind goes off ranting about the situation and moves into explaining mode: ‘Of course, he’s always late. ’ ‘Why does it always have to be me who...’ ‘If only everyone on the team...

Respect your rhythm

Respect your rhythm

 You cannot be not in flow Last week I listened to an audio by Richard Rudd (a man of many wisdoms - you can check out what he does here). And it was about moments of activity and pause, our natural rhythm. The essence I took from the piece was that it is impossible...

What would you call it?

What would you call it?

What do you think? Is leadership just a fancier word for taking responsibility? I've been thinking on the subject of leadership for the last couple of months after I was invited to a panel on leadership. Somehow, when I try to pin down what leadership means in terms...

Strategies as crutches to living intentionally

Strategies as crutches to living intentionally

Recently, I got some aromatherapy oils as a gift. Now, they sit on my bathroom mirror and each morning I see them when getting ready for the day. The choices I am offered are: happy, energy & focus. I take a moment and choose what my intention of the day will be....

Creating Simplicity by Letting Go

Creating Simplicity by Letting Go

 “In life we acquire responsibilities, habits, possessions, relationships, needs, etc., much more readily than we discard them. This is part of the richness and enjoyment of life, but it is also part of the complexity of life.”  Edward DeBono, Simplicity Over a...



Autumn is harvest season. So the question arises: When we think about achieving our goals and having a good life, the focus is usually on the doing, on the active pursuit of the goal. Even if the goals are the 'right' ones and achieve them, there is one crucial...

Letting go

Letting go

Letting go is not an active effort. It’s a choice. It involves a specific attitude and intention: that of agreeing to no know what will happen. Letting go opens up an opportunity for something new to happen. Letting go means embracing your embodied reality in this...

Two numbers for a successful journey

Two numbers for a successful journey

How do I structure an effective transformation process? How much do I have to deal with the uncomfortable? Those are important questions to ask. If you want to change a situation in your life, there's no way around looking under the carpet and cleaning up.. But does...

P – Z

Easy is right #2: Reality check

Easy is right #2: Reality check

June is my month of ease. Just because. And it can be yours too. In last week's post, I wrote about the fact that you need to know how something feels to be able to create and grow it. You need a felt definition to make it real in your life. A negative definition will...

June’s Theme: Easy is right

June’s Theme: Easy is right

My motto for this month is “Easy is right”. I will use the coming four weeks to invite more ease into my life. I can’t say that it doesn’t feel easy right now. I’ve been spending the last week in beautiful Spain where I attended a conference called Body Wisdom. (If...

Getting unstuck #2: stop explaining

Do you know this state of mind when something happens that you dislike. And then your mind goes off ranting about the situation and moves into explaining mode: ‘Of course, he’s always late. ’ ‘Why does it always have to be me who...’ ‘If only everyone on the team...

Respect your rhythm

Respect your rhythm

 You cannot be not in flow Last week I listened to an audio by Richard Rudd (a man of many wisdoms - you can check out what he does here). And it was about moments of activity and pause, our natural rhythm. The essence I took from the piece was that it is impossible...

What would you call it?

What would you call it?

What do you think? Is leadership just a fancier word for taking responsibility? I've been thinking on the subject of leadership for the last couple of months after I was invited to a panel on leadership. Somehow, when I try to pin down what leadership means in terms...

Strategies as crutches to living intentionally

Strategies as crutches to living intentionally

Recently, I got some aromatherapy oils as a gift. Now, they sit on my bathroom mirror and each morning I see them when getting ready for the day. The choices I am offered are: happy, energy & focus. I take a moment and choose what my intention of the day will be....

Creating Simplicity by Letting Go

Creating Simplicity by Letting Go

 “In life we acquire responsibilities, habits, possessions, relationships, needs, etc., much more readily than we discard them. This is part of the richness and enjoyment of life, but it is also part of the complexity of life.”  Edward DeBono, Simplicity Over a...



Autumn is harvest season. So the question arises: When we think about achieving our goals and having a good life, the focus is usually on the doing, on the active pursuit of the goal. Even if the goals are the 'right' ones and achieve them, there is one crucial...

Letting go

Letting go

Letting go is not an active effort. It’s a choice. It involves a specific attitude and intention: that of agreeing to no know what will happen. Letting go opens up an opportunity for something new to happen. Letting go means embracing your embodied reality in this...

Two numbers for a successful journey

Two numbers for a successful journey

How do I structure an effective transformation process? How much do I have to deal with the uncomfortable? Those are important questions to ask. If you want to change a situation in your life, there's no way around looking under the carpet and cleaning up.. But does...