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Die Intensität des Lebens

Advent reflections #1Heute ist der erste Adventsonntag. Egal ob du diese Tradition feierst oder nicht, können die Sonntage bis zum Jahresende willkommende Momente bieten, um über das zu Ende gehende Jahr zu reflektieren. Ich genieße Pausen zur Reflexion, da sie mir...

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Die zufällige Ernte

Die zufällige Ernte

Wir nähern uns dem Ende der Erntezeit. Ein guter Moment, um inne zu halten und darüber nachzudenken, was du dieses Jahr an Ernte eingefahren hast. Was braucht es, um glückliche Zufälle zu ernten?Ich bin zu der Einsicht gelangt, dass das Leben nicht linear ist. Wir...

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Was heißt „normal“?

Was heißt „normal“?

Meinen Beitrag dieses Woche möchte ich einem Thema widmen: der Frage, was “normal” eigentlich bedeutet. Ich muss zugeben, ich hatte Reaktionen auf die mantraartigen Aussagen von Politikern über “zurück zum normalen Leben” oder “zurück in eine neue Normalität”, die von...

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Der ‚Leerlauf‘ zwischen den Tagen und Wochen

Der ‚Leerlauf‘ zwischen den Tagen und Wochen

Wie war deine Woche bisher? Heute haben wir schon Donnerstag. Und für viele von uns war es eine kurze Woche, weil Montag ein Feiertag war. Ist es nicht irgendwie seltsam, das Denken in Wochen?  In dieser besonderen Situation, wo wir aufgrund des Corona-Virus viel Zeit...

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Unbeachtete Körperecken entstauben

Unbeachtete Körperecken entstauben

Heute wartet der letzte Teil des Frühlingsputzes auf dich. Ich möchte dich einladen, nicht die großen Themen und Blockaden anzugehen, damit sind wir sowieso viel beschäftigt. Heute soll Zeit und Raum sein für die kleinen, leichten Dinge.  Wenn ich einen Frühlingsputz...

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Aus einer Emotion raus bewegen

Aus einer Emotion raus bewegen

Jetzt, wo die meisten von uns mehr Zeit zuhause haben, ist eine gute Zeit nicht nur den tatsächlichen äußerlichen Frühjahrsputz anzugehen. Es ist auch ein guter Zeitpunkt, auf der inneren Ebene aufzuräumen. Das kann dich dabei unterstützen, mit Stress und emotionalen...

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Unnütze Gedanken loslassen

Unnütze Gedanken loslassen

Beim Frühjahrsputz zuhause, geht’s mir nicht nur um das Entsorgen der Wollmäuse in den Ecken und Fensterputzen, ich rücke auch die Möbelstücke vor und schaue, was sich dahinter versteckt. Ich räume auch die Laden und Regale aus und sortiere aus: was ich noch gut...

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Was Wolken uns über Grenzen zeigen

Was Wolken uns über Grenzen zeigen

Immer wenn ich mich für einen Workshop vorbereite oder für mich selbst an einem Fokusthema arbeite, begegnet mir das jeweilige Thema im Alltag in verschiedenen Kontexten. Es kommt ganz von selbst, dass Verbindungen und Analogien entstehen, wenn ich eine Weile mit...

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Ein Danke an meinen Körper. Einfach so.

Ein Danke an meinen Körper. Einfach so.

Hast du deinem Körper heute schon danke gesagt? Warum nicht? Du kannst deine Dankbarkeit zeigen, indem zu u.B. einen entspannten, vollen Atemzug nimmst und dich ins Sein rein entspannst. So, wie du gerade bist. Oft erinnern wir uns an den Körper und die endlosen...

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Hast du ein monatliches Fokusthema?

Hast du ein monatliches Fokusthema?

Das Jahr ist noch jung und es ist genügend Zeit, um für dich zu entscheiden, wie du das Jahr für dich gestalten willst. Gewohnheiten und kleine Veränderungen können eine große Wirkung entfalten.  Ich habe vor einigen Jahren begonnen, mit einem Jahresthema zu arbeiten....

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Exercise vs Embodied Practice

Exercise vs Embodied Practice

Embodied Event Design Ich berate Veranstaltungs- und Konferenzanbieter, wie sie ihre Veranstaltungen nachhaltiger gestalten können und gleichzeitig Impact über den Rahmen des Events hinaus kreieren. Als  kreative Denkerin und Brückenbauerin zwischen Disziplinen, die...

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Give your eyes a break

Give your eyes a break

As I am a body and book nerd, I read a lot about what it means to be human. My little home library covers diverse areas from business psychology, neuroscience to old bodywork literature and stuff on systems thinking and how people connect. I can’t remember what...

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Expectation vs Intention

Expectation vs Intention

An expectation ... is what you bring into the situation that is based on old experiences. It is coming from your mind. It’s what you project onto others or the situation thus limiting the possibilities you can experience. You’re putting people and circumstances into...

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Setting visual anchors

Setting visual anchors

Change and transformation in a person involve the dropping of old and building of new habits. It's a process of becoming aware of elements that you considered 'normal' to realizing you can change them if you pay attention and integrate a new way into your being. When...

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Be like Alice

Be like Alice

What if you didn’t have an idea of who you are? What if you weren’t limited by your self-image? What if there were no fixed ways of thinking, moving, feeling? What would you do? What would you wear? Who would you talk to? How would you move on the street? Would you...

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Small is beautiful … and creates change

Small is beautiful … and creates change

A way to deal with overwhelm, inspired by Leopold Kohr This blog introduces Leopold Kohr and how his “small is beautiful” could be translated into my kind of body language I spent the last days in my home town of Salzburg. In a conversation, I learned about Leopold...

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Easy is right #4: Integrating ease

Easy is right #4: Integrating ease

Integration and integrity are related. This is the week for integrating what you've learned about ease in the past weeks. As important as integrating what supports you is letting go again of what you don't need. Maybe you have had a few new ideas, but you don't need...

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Easy is right #3: move with ease

Easy is right #3: move with ease

Easy is still right, right?! After having learned a bit more about what ease means to you in a very physical way and identifying situations when you have it or when you miss it and would like to be able to access this quality, it’s time to bring the experience even...

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Easy is right #2: Reality check

Easy is right #2: Reality check

June is my month of ease. Just because. And it can be yours too. In last week's post, I wrote about the fact that you need to know how something feels to be able to create and grow it. You need a felt definition to make it real in your life. A negative definition will...

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June’s Theme: Easy is right

June’s Theme: Easy is right

My motto for this month is “Easy is right”. I will use the coming four weeks to invite more ease into my life. I can’t say that it doesn’t feel easy right now. I’ve been spending the last week in beautiful Spain where I attended a conference called Body Wisdom. (If...

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Getting unstuck #2: Stop explaining

Do you know this state of mind when something happens that you dislike. And then your mind goes off ranting about the situation and moves into explaining mode: ‘Of course, he’s always late. ’ ‘Why does it always have to be me who...’ ‘If only everyone on the team...

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Respect your rhythm

Respect your rhythm

 You cannot be not in flow Last week I listened to an audio by Richard Rudd (a man of many wisdoms - you can check out what he does here). And it was about moments of activity and pause, our natural rhythm. The essence I took from the piece was that it is impossible...

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What would you call it?

What would you call it?

What do you think? Is leadership just a fancier word for taking responsibility? I've been thinking on the subject of leadership for the last couple of months after I was invited to a panel on leadership. Somehow, when I try to pin down what leadership means in terms...

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Strategies as crutches to living intentionally

Strategies as crutches to living intentionally

Recently, I got some aromatherapy oils as a gift. Now, they sit on my bathroom mirror and each morning I see them when getting ready for the day. The choices I am offered are: happy, energy & focus. I take a moment and choose what my intention of the day will be....

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Creating Simplicity by Letting Go

Creating Simplicity by Letting Go

 “In life we acquire responsibilities, habits, possessions, relationships, needs, etc., much more readily than we discard them. This is part of the richness and enjoyment of life, but it is also part of the complexity of life.”  Edward DeBono, Simplicity Over a...

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Autumn is harvest season. So the question arises: When we think about achieving our goals and having a good life, the focus is usually on the doing, on the active pursuit of the goal. Even if the goals are the 'right' ones and achieve them, there is one crucial...

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Two numbers for a successful journey

Two numbers for a successful journey

How do I structure an effective transformation process? How much do I have to deal with the uncomfortable? Those are important questions to ask. If you want to change a situation in your life, there's no way around looking under the carpet and cleaning up.. But does...

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Reading the book of yourself

Reading the book of yourself

The answers come from within. You could say i'm a junkie for learning. My mind always wants to know more, understand better and figure out how everything is connected. I'm always curious, especially about how life and being human works. So I read a lot, I have a lot...

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How to tell good rules from bad ones

How to tell good rules from bad ones

In preparation for the one-to-one intensive on developing your own rules for success that I’m offering in a couple of weeks, I want to share with you three guidelines that you should take into account when building your own rules. Obviously I think that it's important...

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Moving with ease

Moving with ease

FOCUS ON WHAT COMES EASY It's fascinating how much the body teaches us about having a good life. Doing something with ease has a particular elegance to it. And realizing that this is when you are at your natural best, is a delight and a gift. It shows you what kind of...

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Being before doing

Being before doing

Being is enough. Being comes before doing. Moving between being and doing is an artform. Doing can’t make up for the confidence that rests in being. You are your actions, but not only. They are a part of you, not everything. Doing too much? Get back to being so you...

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Sinnstiftende Langeweile

Sinnstiftende Langeweile

Ich kenne kaum Menschen (und damit meine ich Erwachsene), die darüber klagen, zu viel Freizeit zu haben. Das Leben ist oft beladen mit Listen, die abgearbeitet werden sollen, Projekten und Leuten, die man treffen möchte. Das Leben kann manchmal hektisch sein. Trotz...

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How to make the most of your summer

How to make the most of your summer

I'm sure you want to make the most of your summer. Who doesn't want to have a good time, right!? And a good summer is made up of special moments. So when your holidays start it's tempting to want too much for the time you actually have. And if you don't...

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What’s your favorite flavor of summer?

What’s your favorite flavor of summer?

A color A sound A feeling A sensation An atmosphere An emotion An activity A place A song Make this summer your own by adding your flavor(s) of choice! When you know what makes you feel more present and alive, it’s easier to find those ingredients and add them to your...

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Why do an Intensive?

Benefits and Recommendations for an Intensive I will soon be giving an intensive weekend and want to use this occastion to tell you a bit more about this kind of journey so you can make an informed decision if it's something you can benefit from. What is an Intensive?...

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Ring doorbell for attention

Ring doorbell for attention

To get someone else's attention, you can ring the doorbell. How do you get your own attention back when you got distracted or lost in thought? Which button do you press? How do you remember that you can get it back? Sometimes life or other people push our buttons. If...

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Connecting A to B

Connecting A to B

What is A and what is B? Body & Mind Doing & Being Activity & Passivity Thinking & Feeling Absorbing & Integrating Holding on & Letting go Eating & Digesting Input & Output Top & Bottom It's not so difficult o reach this peachy...

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How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

The professional world is getting faster and increasingly technological. Professionals are, however, still human beings. And human beings need movement, sufficient nourishment, social connections. They have a need to be productive and creative. Technology can be...

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The two phases in a process

The two phases in a process

There are two essential moments in a process that I meet with clients that play a role in the use of a person’s resources and that reflects the current point of view. They are crucial because each of them is at the beginning of a new phase of transformation. It is a...

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Getting Unstuck: #1 Change Perspective

Getting Unstuck: #1 Change Perspective

Life is movement. It has its ups and downs. And it moves sideways too. Movement is part of the natural process. There are moments for thinking, and moments for action. There’s time for activity and time for resting. The art is to go with the flow of life. In your own...

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You are the only one…

who knows what's good for you If you don’t know what you want and feel disconnected from yourself and your body you have two options: check in with yourself (if you know how to do it). Or: find someone who enables you to gain back that quality, not someone who tells...

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Decision-making is phyical

Decision-making is phyical

Tapping into your body wisdom makes choosing simple. I have learned to approach all things in life as a body. Since I am my body all the time, it makes sense to use my innate faculties. They were designed to serve me well, not to make life hard. And the ability of...

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Three reasons why being yourself can boost your business

Three reasons why being yourself can boost your business

Three reasons why being yourself can boost your business Before listing the three reasons why being yourself can boost your business, I have to briefly explain what I mean by “being yourself.” It is seemingly self-explanatory, but what I have found in myself and in...

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Stress and your imagined narrative

Stress and your imagined narrative

Stress is part of life. Historically, it is a natural response of your body to deal with dangerous situation to ensure survival. If you translate this into our times and life in the city, we call those situations rather difficult or important. They matter to us. Be it...

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Choice is not an option

Choice is not an option

Choice is not an option, it’s a must. If I ask you do you like chocolate or vanilla, you will surely have a preference or say ‘neither – it’s strawberry!’ You know the answer, what you want or what feels right – for you, in this moment. When our choices do not affect...

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