My motto for this month is “Easy is right”. I will use the coming four weeks to invite more ease into my life.
I can’t say that it doesn’t feel easy right now. I’ve been spending the last week in beautiful Spain where I attended a conference called Body Wisdom. (If you’re into bodywork and mindful movement, you can find out more about it here.) As I write this, I’m enjoying the sun and sounds of Barcelona. I’m taking a few days off before heading back into my ‘normal’ life. But I also know that this feeling will dissipate.
Becoming aware of this quality and learning how it feels in my body, in which moments I have it and when I don’t are ways for me to learn about myself and also to consciously invite this quality into my life.
‘Easy is right’ is my intention for the coming month. #mymonthofease
And I want to extend this invitation to you by joining me in the coming weeks in this little exploration.
Are you ready to have some more ease in your life? In your body, your interactions with others, in your relationship with finances, etc. There are endless ways of exploring ‘easy is right.’
Let’s start with a practical definition.

The Oxford Dictionary defines ease as follows:
- Absence of difficulty or effort
- Absence of rigidity or discomfort
- Freedom from worries or problems
That’s an accurate definition, I’d say. BUT: in terms of body language it poses a problem. The body doesn’t really get the NO thing. When you think absence of difficulty, the message and focus you’ll have is exactly on what you don’t want: difficulty. If you think ‘I don’t want heaviness.’, your body will remember heaviness.
Thus to bring more ease into your day, you’ll have to know how ease feels for you, when it appears and how you see the world when you’re at ease. Let’s make our own definitions of ease.
I’m inviting you to come up with your own definition of what ease means for you. To find a definition that your body recognizes and that can support you in waking up this state of being, answer the following questions:

Thinking about your answers maybe already waking up a sense of ease in your body and let you move differently. Writing it down makes it more real, however. You have the week to ponder the questions and come up with your own answers. Write them on post-its, place them somewhere visible so you remember that you can be at ease while moving with life and the challenges it brings.
If you want to share a thought, insight or experience, feel free to comment below.
That’s it for this week.
Go explore! And most of all, enjoy being you.
If you feel like some company on the way to ease, you can get My Summer of Presence now, either for 10 or 30 days. It consists of daily inspirations that invite more presence into your life. Check out this page to find out more.
I will also be offering an intensive weekend in late June/beginning of July.