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How to make the most of your summer

How to make the most of your summer

I'm sure you want to make the most of your summer. Who doesn't want to have a good time, right!? And a good summer is made up of special moments. So when your holidays start it's tempting to want too much for the time you actually have. And if you don't...

How big is your melon head?

How big is your melon head?

I had an image in my head today that made me laugh. It looked kind of like the one above. If we were shapeshifters and would grow in the places where our attention and energy resides, we’d meet many watermelon heads walking down the street. Don’t you think? I love...

What’s your favorite flavor of summer?

What’s your favorite flavor of summer?

A color A sound A feeling A sensation An atmosphere An emotion An activity A place A song Make this summer your own by adding your flavor(s) of choice! When you know what makes you feel more present and alive, it’s easier to find those ingredients and add them to your...

Why do an Intensive?

Benefits and Recommendations for an Intensive I will soon be giving an intensive weekend and want to use this occastion to tell you a bit more about this kind of journey so you can make an informed decision if it's something you can benefit from. What is an Intensive?...

Ring doorbell for attention

Ring doorbell for attention

To get someone else's attention, you can ring the doorbell. How do you get your own attention back when you got distracted or lost in thought? Which button do you press? How do you remember that you can get it back? Sometimes life or other people push our buttons. If...

Connecting A to B

Connecting A to B

What is A and what is B? Body & Mind Doing & Being Activity & Passivity Thinking & Feeling Absorbing & Integrating Holding on & Letting go Eating & Digesting Input & Output Top & Bottom It's not so difficult o reach this peachy...

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

The professional world is getting faster and increasingly technological. Professionals are, however, still human beings. And human beings need movement, sufficient nourishment, social connections. They have a need to be productive and creative. Technology can be...

The two phases in a process

The two phases in a process

There are two essential moments in a process that I meet with clients that play a role in the use of a person’s resources and that reflects the current point of view. They are crucial because each of them is at the beginning of a new phase of transformation. It is a...

Why aim for normal?

Why aim for normal?

Why aim for normal if normal is a static fictional line that doesn't exist in real life?   PS: Who says what normal is anyway? Is what you consider normal anything more than norms and metrics imposed on you by society and culture? How could you measure a good...

Getting Unstuck: #1 Change Perspective

Getting Unstuck: #1 Change Perspective

Life is movement. It has its ups and downs. And it moves sideways too. Movement is part of the natural process. There are moments for thinking, and moments for action. There’s time for activity and time for resting. The art is to go with the flow of life. In your own...

P – Z

How to make the most of your summer

How to make the most of your summer

I'm sure you want to make the most of your summer. Who doesn't want to have a good time, right!? And a good summer is made up of special moments. So when your holidays start it's tempting to want too much for the time you actually have. And if you don't...

How big is your melon head?

How big is your melon head?

I had an image in my head today that made me laugh. It looked kind of like the one above. If we were shapeshifters and would grow in the places where our attention and energy resides, we’d meet many watermelon heads walking down the street. Don’t you think? I love...

What’s your favorite flavor of summer?

What’s your favorite flavor of summer?

A color A sound A feeling A sensation An atmosphere An emotion An activity A place A song Make this summer your own by adding your flavor(s) of choice! When you know what makes you feel more present and alive, it’s easier to find those ingredients and add them to your...

Why do an Intensive?

Benefits and Recommendations for an Intensive I will soon be giving an intensive weekend and want to use this occastion to tell you a bit more about this kind of journey so you can make an informed decision if it's something you can benefit from. What is an Intensive?...

Ring doorbell for attention

Ring doorbell for attention

To get someone else's attention, you can ring the doorbell. How do you get your own attention back when you got distracted or lost in thought? Which button do you press? How do you remember that you can get it back? Sometimes life or other people push our buttons. If...

Connecting A to B

Connecting A to B

What is A and what is B? Body & Mind Doing & Being Activity & Passivity Thinking & Feeling Absorbing & Integrating Holding on & Letting go Eating & Digesting Input & Output Top & Bottom It's not so difficult o reach this peachy...

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

The professional world is getting faster and increasingly technological. Professionals are, however, still human beings. And human beings need movement, sufficient nourishment, social connections. They have a need to be productive and creative. Technology can be...

The two phases in a process

The two phases in a process

There are two essential moments in a process that I meet with clients that play a role in the use of a person’s resources and that reflects the current point of view. They are crucial because each of them is at the beginning of a new phase of transformation. It is a...

Why aim for normal?

Why aim for normal?

Why aim for normal if normal is a static fictional line that doesn't exist in real life?   PS: Who says what normal is anyway? Is what you consider normal anything more than norms and metrics imposed on you by society and culture? How could you measure a good...

Getting Unstuck: #1 Change Perspective

Getting Unstuck: #1 Change Perspective

Life is movement. It has its ups and downs. And it moves sideways too. Movement is part of the natural process. There are moments for thinking, and moments for action. There’s time for activity and time for resting. The art is to go with the flow of life. In your own...