Walking with Intention


So, I’m doing this: Walking with Intention – will you join me?

The space that surrounds us shapes us. The furniture in the room as much as the kind of surfaces and buildings we encounter moving from one place to another during the day. Opportunities to sit or move freely.


What might be less obvious is that we also shape the space around us. It’s not a brick and mortar thing, but more subtle like atmosphere and intention. 
I’ve been an avid and conscious walker for a good 3 1/2 years now.

Walking is one of my favorite things to do.

Walking is one of the things that calms my mind in the easiest and fastest way – by moving my feet and feeling connected to the ground.

I wish there would be more conscious breathing and moving around me. And this is why I am offering to walk with me with intention.

It’s an experiment. I have no idea what will come of it. But the idea s to meet for an hour once a month and walk together with an intention on different paths and in different ways. 

Before we start walking, we’ll do a little practice to arrive and meet as a group. Then we’ll set an intention for the walk and get moving.

If you want to join, please check the activities page or Facebook for the current date and the meeting place or  drop me a line by email (hello@bodies-at-work.com).