Online Workshops 2023
Embodiment | The understanding that we experience life and the world with and through our bodies.
That’s my simple definition of embodiment.
We embody our thoughts and feelings and the way we relate to the world.
The world and our experiences in-form us. They shape us.
And there’s a lot of beauty in our embodiment, even if we cannot always see it.
Consciously dedicating time and attention to embodied self-awareness is for me one of the most valuable and enjoyable things.
What are these workshops for?
There’s a lot of self-confidence, trust and joy to be gained by engaging in practices that increase our embodied self-awareness.
And I I want some more of that for my self. That’s a quick and simple answer.
And I guess that you maybe also want to explore ways that allow you to stay centered and confident when things get turbulent and when it’s needed to navigate the space of ambiguity and not-knowing more often.
For that purpose, I am offering a number of online workshops this year that are dedicated to different human qualities and abilities.
I hope you will find them useful and join me in their exploration.
Online Workshops 2023
These are the topics for the year
Intentionality & Attitude
February 24, 2023
2.00 – 5.30 PM CET
Emotional Diversity
April 28, 2023
2.00 – 5.30 PM CET
Flexibility & Stability
June 20, 2023
2.00 – 5.30 PM CET
Healthy Boundaries
September 29, 2023
2.00 – 5.30 PM CET
Rest & Recovery
November 24, 2023
2.00 – 5.30 PM CET
Intentionality & Attitude
February 24, 2023
2.00 – 5.30 PM CET
Being intentional about how we enter situations is a leadership skill.
It means you dare to be open and share what you care about, without getting stuck on your expectations you might have of yourself or the other people involved.
Daring to be open and practicing not-knowing is the main focus of this workshop.
The posture with which we meet the world, can support or hamper our intentionality.
Emotional Diversity
April 28, 2023
2.00 – 5.30 PM CET
Having a limited emotional vocabulary and feeling we’re experiencing the same emotion a lot of the time, is a sign that we’re stuck in a pattern.
This workshop has two main intentions:
Creating an understanding that emotions aren’t good or bad, but merely relational energy that shows us which way we might want to move.
Expanding our emotional vocabulary and experience to enrich our lives and support our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.
It’s about the nuance in the physical, sensational experience as well as finding words for that.
Flexibility & Stability
More information on the workshop topics later this year will be coming soon…
Details & Registration
Location | Online via Zoom
Contribution | Sliding scale
€65 – €130 per Workshop
Within this price range you can choose what this workshop is worth to you.
If you do want to participate, but can’t afford it, there’s a reduced rate available. Please get in touch by email.
Option 1: Registration & Transfer via Paypal.me
Please state your email address and which workshop(s) you want to attend in the field “What’s this payment for” so I can send you the relevant information and access details for the workshop(s).
Option 2: Email & Money transfer
Drop me a line at hello@bodies-at-work.com to sign up.
The registration is complete upon transfer of your contribution.
Account holder | Daniela Razocher
Bank | ErsteBank
IBAN | AT582011182957293600