Make December a month of

Self-care & Self-awareness

Join the e-advent calendar!

Join the e-advent calendar and

enjoy company in travelling

through the last month of the year,

giving special attention to your self

and what you need.


Here is what you will receive in your inbox from December 1  to the end of the year:

The message you receive every day is an invitation to:


  • get in touch with your inner being,
  • become aware of your body (parts)
  • engage in movements
  • wake up your senses
  • to grow your understanding of your unique perspective and way of being in the world



The messages will be accompanied by:



Illustrations, images, GIFs

If you’ve been following my work and my newsletter you know that I like to play with a pen and patterns and create simple graphics to underline my embodied ideas.




I have recorded some audios where the intention of the day’s focus area can best be transmitted without visuals but by closing your eyes and letting you go on a journey by listening.






For some of the practices it’s good to see movements and details.
So on some days, you’ll get to see me head, hands and feet to share the daily focus and practice.

My intention


My intention is to share ideas, insights  as well as questions and practial stuff that have touched me deeply and supported my on my journey so far.

I will share them with you not in the hope that they will lead to the same experiences for you, but because I wish them to be a spark to awaken your own unique way of making sense of the world.

This embodied self-awarenss advent calendar is a heartfelt offering to guide you to more connection to your self and you inner awareness and body wisdom.

These form your foundation and compass for moving in the world in a joyous and connected way.


We live in special times. And this is a special season.

An adjective that in German is often used in connection with winter and the weeks leading up to the Christmas holidays is “besinnlich”.

It translates as reflective, contemplative, or tranquil. But the root of the word refers to your senses and the verb “besinnen” means to come  to your senses.

So, this is a season to come back home to our bodies. To sense and feel. To be.

Do you want to join me on this adventure in December?

How to join?


It’s simple:

Option 1

Transfer the contribution you want to make via and enter your email address in the comment box.

I’ll add you to the mailing list for the Advent Calendar and you’ll receive the first email on December 1.

Option 2

You can drop me a line that you want to participte and transfer your contribution to this bank account:

Daniela Razocher, ErsteBank
IBAN: AT582011182957293600

Choose Option 2 if you want to gift the eAdvent to a friend and let me know the recipient’s email address. They will receive an email invitation before we start on December 1. 


Fair Pay Principle

As I know people have different budgets and priorities, and I want it to be possible for everybody interested in coming on this journey, you can choose what you want to give.

To make it easier, I am offering a price range from €10 to €35 from which you can choose.


Now, there’s only two things to do

  1. Choose your contribution
  2. Click on the button below to make your contribution and sign up.

(Please don’t forget to enter your email in the comment box, so I know which address to send the daily invitations to.)