Why do an Intensive?

Benefits and Recommendations for an Intensive I will soon be giving an intensive weekend and want to use this occastion to tell you a bit more about this kind of journey so you can make an informed decision if it’s something you can benefit from. What is an...
Ring doorbell for attention

Ring doorbell for attention

To get someone else’s attention, you can ring the doorbell. How do you get your own attention back when you got distracted or lost in thought? Which button do you press? How do you remember that you can get it back? Sometimes life or other people push our...
Connecting A to B

Connecting A to B

What is A and what is B? Body & Mind Doing & Being Activity & Passivity Thinking & Feeling Absorbing & Integrating Holding on & Letting go Eating & Digesting Input & Output Top & Bottom It’s not so difficult o reach this...
How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

The professional world is getting faster and increasingly technological. Professionals are, however, still human beings. And human beings need movement, sufficient nourishment, social connections. They have a need to be productive and creative. Technology can be...
The two phases in a process

The two phases in a process

There are two essential moments in a process that I meet with clients that play a role in the use of a person’s resources and that reflects the current point of view. They are crucial because each of them is at the beginning of a new phase of transformation. It is a...

You are the only one…

who knows what’s good for you If you don’t know what you want and feel disconnected from yourself and your body you have two options: check in with yourself (if you know how to do it). Or: find someone who enables you to gain back that quality, not someone who...