Die Intensität des Lebens

Advent reflections #1 Heute ist der erste Adventsonntag. Egal ob du diese Tradition feierst oder nicht, können die Sonntage bis zum Jahresende willkommende Momente bieten, um über das zu Ende gehende Jahr zu reflektieren. Ich genieße Pausen zur Reflexion, da sie mir...
Give your eyes a break

Give your eyes a break

As I am a body and book nerd, I read a lot about what it means to be human. My little home library covers diverse areas from business psychology, neuroscience to old bodywork literature and stuff on systems thinking and how people connect. I can’t remember what...
Expectation vs Intention

Expectation vs Intention

An expectation … is what you bring into the situation that is based on old experiences. It is coming from your mind. It’s what you project onto others or the situation thus limiting the possibilities you can experience. You’re putting people and circumstances...
Setting visual anchors

Setting visual anchors

Change and transformation in a person involve the dropping of old and building of new habits. It’s a process of becoming aware of elements that you considered ’normal‘ to realizing you can change them if you pay attention and integrate a new way into...
Be like Alice

Be like Alice

What if you didn’t have an idea of who you are? What if you weren’t limited by your self-image? What if there were no fixed ways of thinking, moving, feeling? What would you do? What would you wear? Who would you talk to? How would you move on the street? Would you...
Small is beautiful … and creates change

Small is beautiful … and creates change

A way to deal with overwhelm, inspired by Leopold Kohr This blog introduces Leopold Kohr and how his “small is beautiful” could be translated into my kind of body language I spent the last days in my home town of Salzburg. In a conversation, I learned about Leopold...