

Autumn is harvest season. So the question arises: When we think about achieving our goals and having a good life, the focus is usually on the doing, on the active pursuit of the goal. Even if the goals are the ‚right‘ ones and achieve them, there is one...
How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

How to Choose a Coach for Body-Based Transformation

The professional world is getting faster and increasingly technological. Professionals are, however, still human beings. And human beings need movement, sufficient nourishment, social connections. They have a need to be productive and creative. Technology can be...
The two phases in a process

The two phases in a process

There are two essential moments in a process that I meet with clients that play a role in the use of a person’s resources and that reflects the current point of view. They are crucial because each of them is at the beginning of a new phase of transformation. It is a...